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한약 상호작용 (藥의 七情)의 정량화를 위한 RSM (response surface methodology) 분석방법 활용에 대한 提言
An analysis of herb-herb interactions using response surface methodology (RSM)요약본
The synergy ratio (SR) could explain the synergy effect and the negative synergy effect of seven relationships between drug interactions. The SR could be numerically calculated by experimental and clinical data. Moreover, the ideal ratio of combination drugs could be calculated. In conclusion, RSM could provide a general and practical methodology to analyze herbal interactions and the optimization of prescriptions. Moreover, it could be used to find out the effectiveness of co-treatment of acupuncture or other treatments.
- 게재일 2010년 12월 31일
- 저자 임강현
- 공동저자 -
- 연구소 구분 IS04
- 학술지명/세미나명 한의학연구소논문집
- 출판사명/주최기관 한의학연구소
- 권호 13
- 페이지 수 9
- 출력여부 Y
- 담당부서 : 한의학연구소
- 담당자 : 전인숙
- 연락처 : 043-649-1870
- 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26