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여러분의 미래를 보장하는보건안전학과 

본문 시작


년도 학년 이수
과목명 상세
학점 이론
2024 1 전공 005371 분석화학및실험(Analytical chemistry &experiment) 3 2 2
2024 1 전공 401207 산업보건학개론(Introduction of occupational health) 2 2 0
2024 1 전공 404097 안전학개론(Introduction to Safety ) 2 2 0
2024 2 전공필수 355053 산업안전관리론(Industrial Safety Management) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공필수 404098 전기회로이론 및 실험(Electric Circuit Theory and Experiment) 3 2 2
2024 2 전공필수 404106 건설안전개론(Introduction of Construction Safety) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 355042 화학공정론(Principles of Chemical Process) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 355059 건설재료학(Construction Material Engineering) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 400178 근골격계질환예방및관리(Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders Prevention & Management) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 400179 안전보건통계학(Safety & Health Statistics) 2 2 0
2024 2 전공 401709 물리적유해인자관리(Managrment of Physical Harmfulness) 2 2 0
2024 2 전공 404093 기계 및 센서안전(Machine and Sensor Safety) 2 2 0
2024 2 전공 404101 유체역학(fluid mechanics) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 404103 작업환경관리( Working environment management) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공필수 400820 산업환기(Industrial ventilation) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공필수 404092 인간공학 및 실험(Ergonomics and Experiment) 3 2 2
2024 3 전공필수 404102 화학설비안전및실험(Chemical Facility Safety and Experiment) 3 2 2
2024 3 전공 355045 시스템안전공학(System Safety Engineering) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공 355046 연소공학(Combustion Engineering) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공 400423 건설시공학(Building Construction) 2 2 0
2024 3 전공 400679 작업생리학(Work Physiology) 2 2 0
2024 3 전공 404099 전기안전관리(Electric Safety Management) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공 404104 작업환경측정실험(Working environment measurement and experiment) 2 1 2
2024 3 전공 404107 스마트건설안전공학(Smart Construction Safety) 3 3 0
2024 4 전공 350127 산업심리학(Industrial Psychology) 2 2 0
2024 4 전공 355114 방화및방폭공학(Fire and Explosion Protection Engineering) 3 3 0
2024 4 전공 401347 보건안전캡스톤디자인(Health & Safety Capstone design) 3 2 2
2024 4 전공 404094 보건안전 CAD(Health and Safety CAD) 2 1 2
2024 4 전공 404095 정전기안전(Static Electricity Safety ) 2 2 0
2024 4 전공 404105 시설물 안전점검 및 진단(Facility Safety Inspection and Diagnosis) 2 2 0
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