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사람·동물·환경이 더불어 건강한 One health시대동물보건학과

본문 시작


년도 학년 이수
과목명 상세
학점 이론
2024 1 전공 410358 동물해부생리학I(Animal anatomy and physiology 1) 2 2 0
2024 1 전공 410362 기초생물학(Basic Biology) 2 2 0
2024 1 전공 410364 반려동물학(Companion animal) 2 2 0
2024 1 전공 410377 동물병원실무실습(Animal hospital practice) 3 2 2
2024 1 전공 410379 동물병원원무행정(Veterinary Clinic Administrative) 2 0 2
2024 1 전공 410384 동물행동학개론(Introduction to animal behavior) 2 2 0
2024 2 전공필수 410363 동물보건외과학및실습(Small Animal Surgical Nursing) 3 2 2
2024 2 전공필수 410375 동물보건내과학및실습(Small Animal Internal Medine and practice) 3 2 2
2024 2 전공필수 410378 동물임상병리학및실습(Animal clinical pathology and Lab) 3 2 2
2024 2 전공 410357 동물미생물학및실습(Animal microbiology and lab I) 3 2 2
2024 2 전공 410360 동물해부생리학II및실습(Animal Anatomy Physiology 2 and Lab) 3 2 2
2024 2 전공 410366 동물임상독성학(Animal clinical toxicology) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 410368 동물의약품관리학및실습(Animal pharmacolgy and Lab for veterinary nurse) 3 2 2
2024 2 전공 410376 동물보건영양학(Companion Animal Nutrition) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공필수 410382 동물보건영상진단학및실습(Radiography for Veterinary Technicians) 2 1 2
2024 3 전공 410356 실험동물학(Laboratory animal) 2 2 0
2024 3 전공 410359 동물질병학(Animal Disease) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공 410361 동물보건캡스톤디자인(Animal Health capstone and design) 3 2 2
2024 3 전공 410367 동물병원현장실습I(Veterinary Clinic Onsite Practice I) 3 0 6
2024 3 전공 410369 동물공중보건학(Public health science for animal) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공 410374 야생동물의학(Wild animal medicine) 2 2 0
2024 3 전공 410380 동물병원응급간호학및실습(Critically ill patients and emergency proceduers for veterinary technicians) 2 1 2
2024 3 전공 410385 동물매개치료및실습(Animal mediated treatment) 3 2 2
2024 4 전공 410365 동물보건복지및법규(Animal welfare and regulations) 2 2 0
2024 4 전공 410370 동물병원현장실습II(Veterinary Clinic Onsite Practice II) 3 0 6
2024 4 전공 410371 동물용의약품및의료기기(Veterinary Pharmaceutics and medical devices) 2 2 0
2024 4 전공 410372 동물원동물관리학및실습(Zoo animal management and Lab) 3 2 2
2024 4 전공 410373 안전성평가(Safety assessment) 2 2 0
2024 4 전공 410381 동물보건행동학및실습(Animal Behavior Correction and practice) 3 2 2
2024 4 전공 410383 동물복지학(Animal welfare) 3 3 0
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